A free massage treatment
video for you
Below is a taster of the courses for professionals who have requested to link their salons to Sinesia. Every treatment is carefully designed to enhance the properties of our products and give the customer an immediate feeling of well-being, on both a physical and emotional level. Being a Sinesia salon means professionalism, quality and care.
- Simple Draining Face Massage
- Drop to Drop Face Massage
- Deep Wave Face Massage
- Slow Movie Skin & Hair Massage
- Instant Movie Skin & Hair Massage
Join Sinesia world
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Exclusive treatments
Sustainable products
Simple Draining Face Massage
Draining and myorelaxant face massage.
Massage that stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, toning and purifying the skin.
Drop to Drop Face Massage
Bio-stimulating and plumping face massage.
Massage that stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, toning and purifying the skin.
Deep Wave Face Massage
Deep and regenerating detoxifying face massage.
Massage that stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, toning and purifying the skin.
Slow Movie Skin & Hair Massage
Relaxing, de-stressing and detoxifying wellness scalp massage.
Massage that stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, toning and purifying the skin.
Instant Movie Skin & Hair Massage
Wellness massage to energise, revitalise and reactivate microcirculation.
Massage that stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, toning and purifying the skin.
The benefits of being
a Sinesia Salon
Thanks to products and treatments that are unique on the professional market.
New services
Ability to offer new services related to the wellness and SPA worlds.
Exclusive products
Territorial exclusivity of products.
Dedicated online and offline training and communication.
Other treatments
reserved for you

Face & Neck
Hydra Sense, Nutri Sense, Detoxy sense, Illumina Sense: our treatments are designed to give the skin of the face and neck a new shine thanks to their moisturising, regenerating and purifying action.

Skin & Hair
Six treatments for scalp and hair care: the products and correct application methods for a result that will leave your customers with a renewed feeling of well-being.

Send Your Request
Fill in your request to join the world of Sinesia. We will be happy to consider your salon’s application and, if it is successful, support you on this stimulating and exciting journey of growth.